Sunday, September 27, 2015

Wisconsin week in review

Here’s a quickie rundown and review of recent Wisconsin political stories. WONDER BOY FAILS WONDERFULLY On Monday at 5PM Walker dropped out of the race. Well, technically he “suspended his campaign”. This LA Times cartoon sums it up for us. And this cartoon by Phil Hands sums up the average Wisconsinite’s response: Tomorrow's @WiStateJournal cartoon more »

Friday, September 25, 2015

Scott Walker plans a not so “unintimidated” public appearance in Beaver Dam today

Update: I have confirmation from Madison radio journalist Michael Crute that Scott Walker will be at the site at Noon today. I had this information 1 hour and 45 minutes in advance of the so-called “public event”. Site: Apache Stainless, 200 Industrial Dr, Beaver Dam, WI Google Map Street view Just to record what goes more »

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Video: “Walker’s critics celebrate, supporters reminisce …”

Despite having no more than a few hours notice of the 5PM press conference announcing Walker’s drop out from the presidential campaign, protesting Wisconsinites were ready, able, and willing to serenade Wisconsin’s delusional governor. This TMJ4 footage includes just a SNIPPET of protest singing. This brief broadcast also includes snippets from Wisconsinites who do not more »

Monday, September 21, 2015

Gawker seeks details on “a very bad story” connected with Scott Walker

It seems that both Republican communications operative Liz Mair and a writer with Buzzfeed are hinting about either the same scandalous story or differing stories that is/are related to Scott Walker – but neither is releasing the details to the public. Frustrating. Gawker is asking readers to help spill the beans completely. Gawker is providing more »

Scott Walker dropping out of campaign, 5PM Central Time, Edgewater Hotel, Madison

Wow. I expected him to hang in another month and a half! News Conference: 5PM Central Time Edgewater Hotel Madison, Wisconsin More details here. You just finished reading Scott Walker dropping out of campaign, 5PM Central Time, Edgewater Hotel, Madison! Consider leaving a comment!Visit for more news and opinion. You can contact blue cheddar more »

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bernie Sanders appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Would you believe this was the first time I tuned into Colbert’s new show on CBS? Enjoy. Colbert cracking jokes on the presidential election [backup link]: The Interview [backup link]: Date of appearance: 09/18/2015 You just finished reading Bernie Sanders appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert! Consider leaving a comment!Visit for more more »

Friday, September 18, 2015

Wisconsin State Journal only employs white people

I’m embarrassed that I’m so late to the party on this issue. I learned this yesterday and promptly felt like puking: “..the Wisconsin State Journal, the newspaper that proudly proclaims itself “Madison’s largest reporting team,” the second-largest newspaper in the state and the newspaper of record for our entire region, is an all-white newspaper.” SOURCE: more »

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Taka Ichise’s Oz Files for Bankruptcy. Las Vegas Blog

Mail Room Las Vegas Blog

Reported From Area 51.

From twitter site Rapper 50 Cent, who’s real name is, Curtis James Jackson III, has filed for bankruptcy. The- musician listed assets and debts each in the anger of $10 million to $50 million in court … Read the rest

The backlash on Bernie Sanders begins!

Despite the fact that this [barely functioning] blog has tried to be Wisconsin-centric, I’m going to try to do some more posts to help people keep up on Bernie Sanders news. —————————————————-   It appears that the establishment and its candidates have decided to quit dismissing Bernie Sanders and start attacking Bernie Sanders. The guy more »

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

If Walker could see past his enormous ego, he’d realize he’s in 7th place and has no chance

Scott Walker only has 2% in the latest national ABC poll. The average of Scott Walker’s national polls put him in 7th place according to Real Clear Politics. The Republican Party only needs 1 nominee to run for president. I suppose it’s very difficult for a megalomaniac to quit looking in the mirror long enough more »

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Destiny: The Taken King Exclusive Content Detailed

This week we had the chance to celebrate two important video game milestones. September 9th, 2015 marked the 20th anniversary of PlayStation in North America. It also marked one year since Destiny first launched on our platform. I had the chance to celebrate these two events on a livestream earlier this week with our friends from Bungie, where we unboxed the gorgeous Limited Edition Destiny: The Taken King PlayStation 4 Bundle and played through our PlayStation exclusive* Strike, Echo Chamber (where I failed the boss battle in an epic manner).

Did you miss Wednesday’s stream? We’ve got you covered! Watch the archive from our Twitch livestream here.

Huge thanks to Bungie community manager extraordinaire (and Fireteam carry) DeeJ and lead designer James Tsai for joining us. With their help, I now feel prepared to take on Oryx when Destiny: The Taken King launches on September 15th.

I’m thrilled to kick off the next chapter of Destiny. We’ll have a ton of great content only available on the PlayStation platform including a co-op strike for you and your Fireteam, new crucible map, and sweet Legendary and Exotic gear.

Can’t wait to embark on your next great Destiny adventure? Join me and the rest of the crew at PlayStation this weekend and treat yourself to new PVP maps and modes as part of the pre-launch Crucible Preview Event.

*Timed exclusive until at least Fall 2016.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Poll: Vote For the Best PlayStation Game of All Time

This week, we celebrated the 20th anniversary PlayStation’s launch in North America. Now, it’s your turn. Tell us — what’s the best original PlayStation game of all time? Cast your vote(s) below by next Tuesday, September 15th at midnight Pacific Time.

See below for a starter list of games, but note: you can submit two votes, and you can write in an answer if you don’t see it in the list below.

We’ll reveal the official winners next week. Now go forth, and make the hardest decision of your life!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

NevAEYC Call for Nominations

NevAEYC is seeking individuals with diverse views, experiences, and perspectives as candidates for board positions beginning January 2016 (2 year terms). The nominations committee hopes to recruit a number of prospects for each of the boards seats that are open next year. Please see...

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

St. Louis on Two Wheels: Will Bike for Toasted Ravioli, 10-story slides, and hidden history icons

ne of the luxuries of living in Chicago is being able to travel by train. I’ve always thought it would be fun to take my bikare on the train and explore a city on two wheels. So, last weekend my girlfriend and I packed our backpacks and pedaled down to Chicago's Union Station to embark on a 5-hour journey to the Gateway to the West.

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Jake Bartlett

Our train arrived downtown St. Louis Friday night, about a mile from the Holiday Inn we’d booked for two nights.  After a quick bike ride to the hotel, we were greeted by friendly staff in the lobby, which was appropriately decorated with inspiring photography of the city.  We had our eye set on enjoying St. Louis’s famous toasted ravioli, which is really a breaded, deep-fried appetizer.  We honed in on a quicky cocktail lounge/bowling alley on Washington Ave. with the promise to taste this notorious snack.

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Jake Bartlett

The next morning we started our day of biking the right way: with a hearty breakfast and a Bloody Mary. We wound up at the Roosters Brewing Company & Restaurant - Ogden, UT USRooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch - Picacho, AZ USRooster's - Charlotte, NC US Rooster which was within riding distance from the Holiday Inn. This popular breakfast joint is a part of an eclectic restaurant group called Bailey’s Restaurants family that each focus on a unique culinary genre.

Jake Bartlett
Jake Bartlett

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Our first tourist stop was of course, the Gateway Arch.  No good adventure goes without a roadblock though… literally.  Unfortunately the entire area around the monument was closed off due to a large construction project in the park surrounding the arch, so we couldn’t get as close as we wanted.  

Jake Bartlett

We pressed on to the Missouri Botanical Gardens, an 80-acre oasis of plants, ponds, and fascinating history. The highlight there was taking a self-guided tour of Henry Shaw’s mansion. Shaw was a St. Louis philanthropist who founded the garden and donated the land for Tower Grove Park, surrounding the estate.

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Jake Bartlett

From the gardens we headed north to a vibrant little pocket of the city called The Grove. Fittingly, we parked our bikes at Handle Bar, a bike-friendly bar and restaurant that delighted us with a small discount for having our bike helmets with us!  

Jake Bartlett

After indulging in a well-earned cold beer and St. Louis-style pizza, we pedaled west to the city’s largest green space: Forest Park. This place was beautiful and enormous. Having ridden around 20 miles, we were ready to freshen up and find a relaxing spot for dinner so we returned to the Holiday Inn, forgoing the paddleboat rental that beckoned in Post-Dispatch Lake.

Jake Bartlett
Jake Bartlett

Leaving our two wheels behind, we made our way on foot to the Bridge Tap House & Wine Bar. It was here that we met David Bailey, the brains behind Bailey’s Restaurants family.  He helped us pair our cheese and charcuterie board with wine.  That’s right, dinner consisted of a bottle of wine and cheese. No regrets.

Jake Bartlett

Thanks to the accommodating hotel staff, we arranged a late checkout and hopped back on our bikes for a post-breakfast ride. This time we set out along the Mighty Mississippi via the Riverfront Trail. The trail, which winds along the Mississippi passing through junkyards, floodwalls, and other industrial sites, was an awesome contrast to our urban ride the previous day.

Jake Bartlett

After about three miles of riding, we were intrigued by some signage for the Mary Meachum Freedom Crossing and Rest Area, and decided to pause to scope it out.  What we learned was shocking and rather ironic.  In 1855, a free black woman named Mary Meachum attempted to guide a small group of slaves to freedom across the river to Illinois.  Police caught them on the other side, locking Mary Meachum behind bars.  Most of these stories have gone undocumented, but this one received special attention from newspapers because – and here’s the irony – the slaves belonged to Henry Shaw, the wealthy philanthropist whose mansion we toured the day before. Our St. Louis trip had gone full circle and we realized the importance this area has on our country’s history.  

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We returned to the city for some mandatory last stops before our train ride back to Chicago. First, burgers and boozy milkshakes at Baileys' Range - our 3rd Bailey establishment.  The Irish coffee shake was a superb way to cool off after our bike ride!

Jake Bartlett

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We’d also conserved some energy to explore the City Museum. At eleven stories high, the part funhouse, part architectural/industrial design museum, and part natural history museum was a funky and fascinating place.  They have an entire room dedicated to the design of door knobs and yet another to host insects and taxidermy! Kids love this place because of the massive jungle gym/fun house features. We made sure to partake in this ourselves, including the 10-story slide.

Jake Bartlett

We finished off the trip by validating St. Louis’ booming craft beer scene at Alpha Brewing.  We even had a chat with the two brothers who own and operate the facility and left with a full growler of their summertime brew dubbed, Ginger Wit.

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Jake Bartlett

Before this trip, I wasn’t sure what St. Louis had to offer.  In fact, some of my friends asked “Why are you going there?”.  Sure, the city has seen its troubles, but it proved to be a city packed full of culture, architecture, and history.  I feel we only scratched the surface during our visit, and I look forward to returning to see more of this iconic city.

By: Jake Bartlett

A self-proclaimed “adventurer”, Jake Bartlett loves to travel.  In the last 3 years he’s visited 7 countries, backpacked several locations in the states, and ceaselessly explored his home city, Chicago.  A drummer and bike commuter, he enjoys hosting other travelers dropping local knowledge on the city.  Check out his blog, a simple guide for exploring and visiting Chicago.