Monday, May 18, 2015

Life is Strange Episode 3 Out Tomorrow

Hey, Luc from Dontnod here. The team have been working really hard on getting Life is Strange Episode 3 ready and we’re really excited that it will be released tomorrow, May 19th, for people to start playing.

In this next episode Max and Chloe’s investigation leads to them breaking into Blackwell Academy at night to search for clues regarding Rachel Amber’s disappearance.

Episode 2 has had a great response from the community, and as always we’ve loved receiving your comments, fan art and cosplays!

I’m happy to share with you all the brand new trailer for Life is Strange Episode 3: Chaos Theory. Check it out below.

As you can see, Max and Chloe are close to uncovering some truths and will cross paths with the likes of Nathan and Frank once again.

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts as well as the choices you make throughout episode 3. Be sure to finish episodes 1 & 2 before playing as your choices will carry over to episode 3.

Thanks so much for your ongoing support and we hope you enjoy the next installment of Life is Strange.

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