Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Here's how to visit the most badass filming location from 'The Fugitive'

If you hop on the Great Smoky Mountain Railroad at its Dillsboro, NC depot, don't be alarmed when your locomotive come across the twisted metal remains of what must have been a horrific Train Wreck... it's actually just an abandoned film set from the 1993 Harrison Ford flick The Fugitive, made with a little bit of movie magic.

Remember the beginning of the movie, when the prisoners on the bus that's taking them to death row riot and then the bus falls off a cliff and onto the direct path of an oncoming train? This is the set from that scene. The epic bus/train crash sequence alone cost a whopping $1.5 million...probably because it used a real train (according to director Andrew Davis, using anything less than a real train would be "cheating"). They had to shoot the whole thing in one take, and spent two months choreographing the event. They then had to dig the cameras out of the wreckage...it took eight hours to unearth one from under 26 feet of dirt. It was worth it-- the movie was an instant success, and the crash was one of the most talked about parts of the film.

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The wreck was actually filmed on the Great Smoky Mountain Railroad to make it feel really authentic, and after they were done with the set, it was cheaper to just leave the scraps of what was once a train in the forest...so that's exactly what the crew did. Just looking at the set, it's hard to imagine anyone walking away from a collision like that...but I guess that just speaks to how badass Harrison Ford...I mean, Dr. Richard Kimble, was.

Header via freerepublic.com

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